Test cabinets and chambers with anti-explosion protection
For tests with combustible and/or explosive media
For tests with combustible and/or explosive media such as oils, fuels or gases which can form explosive mixtures with air. The occurrence of combustible or explosive aerosol-air or gas-air mixtures can be part of a test, but in most cases it is an undesirable event that only occurs in the event of a fault, e.g. if there are leakages in the test item or test set-up and the substance escapes into the test space atmosphere. This possible hazard potential must be determined and evaluated by the operator by means of a risk assessment with subsequent zone classification. Various boundary conditions such as data on the medium components, the concentration, test temperatures, the test set-up, the existence of ignition sources, etc. play an important role in the evaluation. Based on the customer's risk assessment and zone classification, appropriate safety measures are then necessary on the test cabinet if there is a corresponding risk of fire or explosion. Possible safety concepts can then be carried out, in conformity with the ATEX directive, e.g. by inerting or indirect temperature control as a primary or secondary means of anti-explosion protection.
CTS offers solutions for your specific use case
CTS offers different variants for explosion zones 1 and 2 based on standard devices, test chambers or special solutions. Thus, we always place particular emphasis on planning and creating concepts for your individual, specific application. Our experts will be happy to advise you on this so that we can offer you a complete security package tailored to your needs on request.
Anti-explosion protection concepts are often necessary for testing e.g.
- fuel systems and components
- hydraulic systems and components
- applications involving hydrogen such as testing fuel cell systems and components of different sizes and performance levels
- electric drive components and units when connected to an external water/glycol or oil temperature control system
- generally for testing items and/or set-ups in connection with combustible media
Our portfolio includes test control units with anti-explosion protection of different sizes and performance levels for test parameters such as
- temperature and climate
- shock test
- combination with vibration
- others….
Test space volume
Test chambers from >3 to 200 m3 and higher
Humidity ranges
Temperature ranges
-48°C / +180°C
-70°C / +180°C
Temperature change rates
Selection of the main equipment options for anti-explosion test cabinets
- Electric door lock
- N2 inerting (permanent inerting) with O2 measurement
- Indirect heating of the heat transfer medium
- Gas measuring device for e.g. CO2 H2, HC or others
- Flushing devices
- Safe limit on supply air
- Overpressure relief via bursting diaphragm
- Test space design with increased media resistance
- Independent temperature limiter Tmax
- Emergency stop
- etc.
Are additional safety equipment or measures required for anti-explosion protection in line with the ATEX directive? Talk to us: we also offer individual, sophisticated and smart solutions for this.