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Relevant Information of the DAkkS

The calibration laboratory is accredited by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)

in accordance with DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025 and has the competence to calibrations for measurand temperature, dew point temperature, relative humidity temperature and climatic test cabinets, including on-site calibrations

New national metrological traceability policy:

CTS GmbH recommends DAkkS calibration certificates

In line with the demands of the European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA), the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) has adapted its regulations regarding metrological traceability. Laboratories use traceability to ensure the correctness of the measured results for the user. Now, there are strong restrictions on the use of works calibration certificates and certificates of measurement as proof of traceability.

Up to now, works calibration certificates created by accredited calibration laboratories within the scope of their accreditation were indeed accepted as an evidence for traceability. All that was required was to check, for example, whether the procedure and the measuring ranges on the calibration certificate really corresponded to the scope of accreditation. DAkkS obliged the calibration laboratories to apply the same standards when issuing works calibration certificates as when issuing DAkkS calibration certificates. Under these preconditions, works calibration certificate could be accepted.

Because of the EA’s demands, works calibration certificates, even from accredited laboratories, are no longer accepted, because these works calibration certificates are not subject to DAkkS monitoring.

The new regulations come into force in August; DAkkS recommends that all accredited bodies check their current means of proving traceability and adapt them, if necessary.

Our explicit recommendation is:
• If you need a calibration certificate as evidence of traceability, safe yourself any unnecessary trouble by choosing one based on a DAKKS calibration certificate. It will definitely be accepted internationally and is the safest choice thanks to multilateral agreements on the mutual acceptance of accreditation systems which the European umbrella organisation European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA) agreed upon together with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).

DAkkS calibration certificates are audit-proof and give you support in product liability cases in court.

• If technical information on the calibrated item is your priority and you are sure that you do not need evidence of traceability, then our cheaper works calibration certificates are an alternative for you. We guarantee that our works calibrations are carried out with the same competence as our DAkkS calibrations. We have no second-class calibrations.

Further Information

Download PDF DAkkS-Report "DAkkS adapts regulation for metrological traceability" (german only)

Download PDF DAkkS leaflet "Technical Note for the Metrological Traceability in the Accreditation Process" 71 SD 0 005 | Revision: 1.4 | 01. February 2016

Outside the accreditation we also offer factory calibrations (WKD).


Accreditation Documents

The DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH) hereby accredits the calibration laboratory of CTS GmbH in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 for calibration of measurands: temperature measurements, humidity measurements (Registration No.: D-K-18066-01-00) Accreditation certificate in accordance with DIN EN lSO/lEC 17025:2018

Appendix to the DAkkS Accreditation

We offer DAkkS calibrations. These are only valid in the current scopes listed appendix below the accreditation certificate (D-K-18066-01-00).
Download the current scope of services of the DAkkS laboratory here.

Flexible Accreditation

Our calibration laboratory has a flexible category III accreditation. You can see the list of valid standards in the flexible area here . (german)

Frequently asked questions

Within the system of the German Calibration Service (DKD), calibration laboratories of industrial firms, research institutes, technical authorities and inspection/testing institutions carry out calibration work. These laboratories are accredited and supervised by the accreditation body of the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS).

Calibration is the determination of the interrelationships between the stated values of a measuring instrument (measuring device/material measure/material measure/value of a reference material) and those values determined by exact standards. The calibration certificate contains the measured value including the specification of the respective measurement uncertainty. If necessary it can be stated if a tolerance limit is observed or not.

DKD calibrations are carried out for measuring instruments, reference materials and material measures for the measurement categories and ranges specified within the framework of the accreditation. DKD calibration certificates issued are proof of measurement traceability to national or international standards as required in the family of standards DIN EN ISO 9000 and DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

This is a procedure used by an authorized body (the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)) to issue formal acknowledgment of the competence of a body or a person to fulfill certain tasks.

Calibrations carried out by DKD laboratories allow the user to trust the reliability of measurement results. They increase customer confidence and competitiveness on national and international markets. They also serve as a technical measurement basis for the control of measurement and test equipment within the framework of quality management.

Standard (VIM): "Material measure, measuring instrument, reference material or measuring system intended to define, realize, conserve or reproduce one unit or one or more values."

A standard which has been approved by national decision of a country as the basis for the determination of values of all other standards of the respective measurement (SI unit).

A standard, generally of highest available accuracy (at a given place or at an organization), from which measurements carried out (there) can be derived.

It is the procedure of tracing measurement results by an unbroken chain of calibrations to the national standard and thus to the respective SI units.

A number of activities, always including a visit to the laboratory in addition to a review of documentation (carried out at regular intervals by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS)), in order to ensure that the accredited laboratories work according to the accreditation criteria. The interval between initial assessment and (complete) reassessment is 5 years.

Fulfilment of determined requirements by a product, a process or a service. The statement of conformity may only relate to measuring technology, compliance in the context of measurements performed can be found and witch are identified, e.g. by specifying the exact section of a uniquely standard or a policy. The statement of conformity must be based on measurement for the calibration laboratory is accredited.

An experimental procedure in which a specific value of a physical quantity is determined as a multiple of a unit (or of a reference standard).

A physical quantity recorded by measurement (e. g. density, length, mass, current, temperature).

Parameter assigned to the measurement result, characterizing the dispersion of values (reasonably) capable of being assigned to a measured.

Please refer to for more detailed information.

Accreditation of DKD laboratories is based on the rules and procedures of the German Calibration Service (DKD) as defined in DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Due to amendments in the standard (version 08/2005), all laboratories will undergo assessment for compliance to the amended version of the standard by 15th May 2007 within the framework of monitoring visits.


- DIN Internationales Wörterbuch der Metrologie
- DAkkS-DKD-5